Founders’ Club: Forbes echoes Alma Cruceros’ innovative proposal

Alma Cruceros, the new Spanish shipping company that is revolutionizing the concept of boat travel with a boutique and sustainable offer, continues to capture the attention of leading national and international media, consolidating its position as a leader in the luxury tourism sector in Spain.

Forbes highlights Alma Cruceros’ proposal of luxury and sustainability

An example of this is the recent publication of Forbes, in which two articles highlight Alma Cruceros’ vision and proposals. In its first appearance, Forbes talks about the launch of the Founders Club. This initiative allows a select group of travellers to be part of the history of the shipping company since its inception. This exclusive proposal offers unique benefits and participation in special events, reinforcing Alma Cruceros’ philosophy of community and exclusivity.

The second Forbes article highlights Alma Cruceros’ start of operations in April 2025 with the vessel Ocean Victory. The ship, which is an emblem of sustainability and luxury, will operate along the Canary Islands, African and Western Mediterranean coasts between April and October next year with calls in ports such as Malaga, the shipping company’s hometown, Barcelona, St. Tropez, Corsica or Sardinia.

Alma Cruceros captures the attention of the national and specialized press

Media coverage is not limited to Forbes. Newspapers such as Málaga Hoy, Puente de Mando, Diario Sus and Diario de Cádiz have also reflected Alma Cruceros’ influence and impact on the industry, demonstrating the strong interest and expectation aroused by the proposal in various sectors.

With this remarkable recognition, Alma Cruceros consolidates itself as a benchmark in the luxury cruise industry, demonstrating that innovation and attention to detail are the keys to attracting both customers and experts from the tourism sector. It is an honour to feel all the interest that Alma Cruceros arouses. This support encourages me to continue working to deliver travel experiences that not only meet but exceed rider expectations.